Facing the New Age! – How do Structural Engineers tackle the COVID-19 era?

IABSE – Press release

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented consequences across the globe and has affected the traditional offline IABSE events planned for year 2020 that aim at exchanging knowledge and advancing the practice of structural engineering worldwide. To cope with such circumstances, IABSE puts forward the IABSE Online Conference 2020, which is a new IABSE event format. With the unappeased COVID-19 pandemic, IABSE’s inaugural Online Conference to be held on September 2-3, 2020 on Zoom, will be themed ‘Facing the New Age! – How do structural engineers tackle the COVID-19 era?’, to address the new challenges structural engineers across the globe are confronting in the field of disaster reduction and mitigation, the maintenance and rehabilitation of structures, digital solutions for bridge engineering, international cooperation, etc. With a series of curated topics and content from 20 speakers of diverse background, the IABSE Online Conference 2020 will enable designers, consultants, researchers, students, owners, contractors, authorities and other interested participants alike to gain latest insights in the international bridge and structural engineering community on the virtual platform of Zoom and exchange ideas in four dedicated live Q&A discussion sessions.

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