Professor Johan Silfwerbrand har tilldelats det nordiska priset Nordic Concrete Federation Medal 2022. Stort grattis till det mycket välförtjänta priset, Johan!
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Reasons based on the statutes:
Johan Silfwerbrand has for many years been very active on both the national, the Nordic, and the international concrete scene. He serves as an ambassador for the excellent performance of well-designed concrete structures and material.
Through his shared position as Professor at Structural Design and Bridges at KTH and as manager of CBI Betonginstitutet, Johan Silfwerbrand has for many years had a strong influence on the research and innovation related to concrete. Since 2014, he has been working full-time at KTH as Professor with responsibility for research and education within bridge design.
Johan Silfwerbrand’s work covers both concrete structural design and concrete technology within a number of applications, e.g: concrete repair work, self-compacting concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, concrete floors for industrial use, and issues related to fire.
Johan Silfwerbrand is an enthusiastic believer in interaction between human beings. He has produced a long list of scientific articles, alone or with co-authors. He is assigned as editor with the Swedish journal “Betong” and chief editor of the journal “Nordic Concrete Research”, the latter transferring from a subscription based paper journal to a digital Open Access journal with a substantial increase in audience.
Johan Silfwerbrand is active within professional and networking activities like the Swedish Concrete Association, the Research Committee of the Nordic Concrete Federation, Swedish Universities of the Built Environment (SBU), the Swedish Institute for Standards, ACI and fib.
Board meeting of the Nordic Concrete Federation
Copenhagen, April 2022
Marianne Tange Hasholt
Chair of the NCF Board