2023 Swedish Concrete Award

2023 Swedish Concrete Award

Prof. Dr. Barbara Lothenbach , Empa (CH)

Prof. Dr. Barbara Lothenbach has been named the 2023 winner of the Swedish Concrete Association’s prestigious Swedish Concrete Award. Prof. Dr. Barbara Lothenbach is Head Group Cement Chemistry and Thermodynamics at Empa in Switzerland.


The motivation is as follows: Barbara Lothenbach is awarded the award for her outstanding contribution within the field of thermodynamic modelling of cementitious binders and for establishing the foundation for future research. Thermodynamic modelling has emerged in the last decades as a versatile tool to investigate and calculate the effect of cement composition on hydrate assemblages for Portland cements and other binders. The research has contributed to the fundamental knowledge and techniques needed for the development of durable and low CO₂ binders and concrete.

Fakta om Swedish Concrete Award

Pristagare ska vara erkänd expert inom byggnads- eller anläggningsområdet som genom sin föreläsning kan förmedla nyheter och ge impulser till utvecklingen.

Jury 2023:
Ingemar Löfgren (ordförande)
Katarina Malaga
Nilla Olsson

Fonden Swedish Concrete Award instiftades 1985 – där avkastningen används för arrangerande av föreläsningar.

Pristagaren tilldelas Betongföreningens Swedish Concrete Award-medalj och -diplom.

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