Gustave Magnel Gold Medal Award

Dear colleagues,

The Association of Engineers graduated from Ghent University, as contract holder of the Professor Gustave Magnel Memorial Fund, has the pleasure to announce the “Magnel Gold Medal 2024’ Award”. The medal is awarded to the designer(s) or design office of a structure that is made of reinforced and/or prestressed concrete, and is completed in the period 2019-2023.

Gustave Magnel was a professor at Ghent University and Director of its Laboratory for Concrete Research who earned international recognition for his contributions to the development of prestressed concrete.

Enclosed is an abstract of the policies and procedures of the contest. Please feel free to pass this information on to everyone within your organization to whom this applies.

The ceremony of the Gold Medal will take place in the autumn of 2024. All interested candidates are kindly requested to send their application to the Secretariat of the AIG Foundation, Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Ghent, Belgium, may 15th, 2024 latest.

Former winners of the Golden Medal where:

  • 2019 – Laurent Ney (Belgium): Lentloper bridge in Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
  • 2014 – William Frazier Baker (USA): The Burj Khalifa and the Buttressed Core (Dubai, UAE)
  • 2009 – Juan José Arenas de Pablo: Third Millenium Bridge over the Ebro river in Zaragoza (Spain)
  • 2004 – Jörg Schlaich: Brücke Auerbachstrasse, Stuttgart (Germany)
  • 1999 – Michel Virlogeux: Le Pont de Normandie (France)
  • 1994 – Olav Olsen: The Draugen Platform (Norway)
  • 1989 – René Greisch: Le Pont de Wandre sur la Meuse et le Canal Albert (Belgium)
  • 1984 – Hans Wittfoht : the Siegtalbrücke highway bridge, Seigen-Eiserfeld (Germany)
  • 1979 – R. De Keyser, the Houffalize Viaduct, Houffalize (Belgium)
  • 1973 – Ulrich Finsterwalder, the Maintenance Hall V of the Rhine-Main Airport, Frankfurt (Germany)
  • 1968 – Fritz Leonhardt, Caroni River Bridge, Ciudad Guayana (Venezuela)
  • 1963 – P. Blokland, Nabla beams of the Haringvliet Dam, South Holland (the Netherlands)
  • 1959 – Nicolas Esquillan, Triangular Vault Shell of the CNIT, Paris (France)

We will be most grateful if you could nominate candidates and potentially share this announcement with local universities and concrete associations. The Executive Committee is at your disposal for any additional information.

More information can be found here »

Yours faithfully,
on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Gustave Magnel Gold Medal,

Em. Prof. Ronny Verhoeven
Chairman of the Executive Committee

Tom Roelants
Chairman AIG

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