No. 2 Conciderations on the neutrality of the ”Basic design principles …

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Conciderations on the neutrality of the ”Basic design principles with regard to different construction materials in view of the chice of partial safety coefficients”

Concrete Report No. 2 (E), 1992

Printed version

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In connection with the elaboration of the Eurocode 1, Part 1 Basis of Design, it was proposed by CBI Betongforum that the Swedish Concrete Association should set up a committee to follow the drafting of the EC1 during the year of 1992. The committee should review the drafts and make its own comments concurrently. Such an committee has now performed its task and has issued a report on a matter considered most important.

In the report, it is pointed out that the choice of partial safety coefficients in basic design principles has great influence on the degree of utilization of building materials. It has also become clear that different materials and types of structures will be treated differently if not the basic design principles to be agreed upon are produced with both a safe and a cost effective design in mind.

To promote competition between various building materials on an equal base and to make the best use of each type of material and structure partial safety coefficients must be chosen with great care.

The content of this report has been conveyed to several persons and parties involved in the work with the Eurocodes within and outside the CEN.

Staple-bounded edition, format 21*29,7 cm, 37 pages.

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